
All posts in category 'Documentation'

Easily build your own tech radar

The Thoughtworks Technology Radar is well known for showing technology trends and choices. For my project I wanted to have the same thing, not use the hosted public version from Thoughtworks, but a selfhosted option. Therefore I choose to base it on the Zalando opensource tech radar, and create a way to use a CSV file as input so updating would be an easy thing to do.

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Asciidoc labels like swagger-ui

If you’re building a rest api with spring-boot and want to document the api, you have two good options to do this; Springfox, or Spring REST Docs. Springfox creates (interactive) documentation through a swagger-ui to use by a developer, Spring REST Docs creates documentation via asciidoc. And what’s best is that you can simply combine the two in a project.

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